school girly.

jumper/tee: f21, otk socks: target, oxfords: bass

with the current 'curse' of looking 10 years younger than my actual age.. why i often feel compelled to play it up with school girl-esque outfits is beyond me. the jumper is actually pinstriped.. though you can't tell in the photos. i've been having one of those i feel blah weeks but it seems for the most part i'm getting over the flu.. a sore throat in the morning and the cough still lingers though.. hopefully they cease and desist by sunday.. when me and dru plus a few others will be running in the aramco half marathon.. wish us luck!! i've trained quite poorly this time around :(

oh and thanks so much for all the get well wishes! you guys are the bestest!



  1. Lol. I tend to do this myself. I have a black school girl jumper that I really should retire but don't.

  2. this look is so cute!
    glad to hear you're slowly feeling better...
    GOOD LUCK this weekend!

  3. you look really cute. y love this kind of shocks!!

  4. oh I love it. you rock the thigh highs.

    good luck with the run. get well. ♥

  5. Oh you look so cute and nice :)


  6. Schoolgirl chic. Love the oxfords! Thanks for the comments as well. Sweety says hello to your precious pup =]


  7. Cute! You actually look older in that outfit. I also suffer from the curse of looking younger than my age so I fully sympathise

  8. This outfit really remind me of French school girl.... really simple and incredibly cute :)

  9. you look sophisticatedly adorable; so no worries! i actually have an outfit quite similar to this :)

    La C.

  10. Total outfit is so cute and you're lucky to have such a "curse" :) Good luck on the run!

  11. You look gorgeous as always! Those socks (?) are just awesome!! =) Hope you feel better soon xx

  12. So glad you're feeling better - colds take freakin forever to go away!

    Love the jumper paired with the thigh-highs.

    I totally admire you and Dru for doing a half marathon. It's quite an accomplishment for me if I can run a mile. Whew! I get tired just thinking about it!

  13. u look soo cute! love that overall skirt with the knee socks!

  14. Haha, I do this too. It's all about the socks! xx

  15. Yup, I look younger than my age too. I always complain about it, but someone I know told me "In 10 years you'll be happy about it" and I think that person is right.
    I love your outfit, with the knee socks and the shoes. I like the preppy/school girl style.
    Hope you get even better soon! I have a sore throat too and I sound like a chain smoker.
    Wow, you'll run a marathon? Good luck!!

  16. those socks are so cute! I love your outfit :)

  17. a half marathon? you're insane! hehehehe. i wish you luck! i'm sure you will do fine and hoepfully your cold will be gone by then!

  18. You look adorable! Good luck in your marathon!

  19. Hi!
    Thanks :)
    You look really cute! :)
    Wish u luck!!

  20. Adore the jumper and thigh-high socks combo - perfection, I!


  21. i have the same problem, too - people always think i'm 10 yrs younger...sometimes even more. but i guess we'll appreciate this when we're 40? haha

    and i can't imagine running a marathon...i can barely run around the block.

  22. cute!!! i really like things that look school girl-ish... not sure why, i already look like a teenager.

  23. really schoolish!! lovely! im mad about over-the-knee socks!

  24. Good luck with the marathron. I totally understand what you mean about looking younger then you really am. I get that all the time.

  25. Hi issa

    You are very pretty. Classic and sexy chic!
    I love it!

    Have a great weekend & xoxo: Janet

  26. oh, this is just so great! <3

  27. i think it looks great! i think school girl outfits are for all as long as the skirt aren't too short. and of course love the knee socks.

  28. love the schoolgirl look. good luck with the half marathon, you rock!

  29. way to go on the non skanky version of lolita
    did you guys add a BOY to the blog?? you're so frigging cool

  30. those tights helped you achieve looking more ten years younger. you look great!:)


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