Hawaii in Tokyo

I go to a Hawaiian church in Tokyo called New Hope.

I never had anything remotely "Hawaiian" and although this doesn't exactly fit under the category either, it's close enough. I love the colors (pink & purple) and how comfortable it fits. I paired it with a black pocket skirt and my new "holiday" purple flats!

I head back to the US this weekend, first to meet my niece for the first time in Virginia and then back to Texas to reunite with the girls (Issa & Roz) and the boy (Dru) - I'm super excited! America is a good place to be right about now. Go OBAMA! =)

If you want to see the makeup I wore with this outfit - go to www.tokyostargirl.com =)


  1. Heck yes, Obama! Hawaii boy.
    They broadcast Pastor Wayne in Tokyo?? Wow.

  2. I think "the boy" is really named Neal

  3. I love the print.. very appropriate and the flats are just too cute... I always wear flats to church, if need weird to wear heels :S

  4. The reunion sounds wonderful.
    that top looks Hawaiian enough for me. :)

  5. that's Hawaiian enough for me, and despite the eye-catching pattern, it's very nice.

    I'd love to go to US right now! and I am so happy about Obama.

  6. Wow, I didn't know New Hope was international! They're everywhere. I think it is kinda weird though that they broadcast on Sunday mornings on this really popular radio station for adults...

  7. I had no idea New Hope was in Japan. They're a pretty big church in Hawaii. I've never been to any of their services though. I do have a few friends who do. From what I heard they're pretty good. Although I can't be the judge of that -- I am not even remotely a church person. Hehe...

  8. lovely outfit hon,simple but with with effect.Those purple flats are yummy dear! how sweet are they. Think your bright pink top will fit in nicely with the Hawaiian prints ;o)
    Marian x

  9. I love your purple flatties!!! The cute pearl detailsare adorable!

  10. like the combo! the two shades of purple..or is ir pink and purple?? i like!

  11. Go Hawaii, I love the purple shoes

  12. Adorable life-inspiring colours )

  13. The print on the top is amazing! & I love those shoes <3

  14. Obama does rule! Sucks for Iolani though :)
    I really like your flats. . .



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