fall florals.

top:  urban outfitters  | suede skirt:  forever21 (similar)  |  metallic oxfords:  bcbg (similar)
so this week was exciting because we got a cool front. LOOK SLEEVES.  >_>  it's heating up pretty fast but i'm looking forward to next week, when another one comes through.

also exciting, VOTING.  the husband, formally of Canadian only status, finally became a US citizen last year.. thus voted in the US for the very first time.  although he was  quite saddened upon going to the polls..  to not be cheered on by the volunteers.. similar to when you go to a grand opening of an electronics store.. or you're the first through the doors on black friday.. and all the employees line up and give you high fives while cheering and clapping.... ( i'm not speaking from experience... ok maybe.)
also that night when harris county had 99.1% of the votes in.. it was blue.. by just 2 votes.  we felt important at that moment.  (later blue by over 500 votes once all the votes were in - yay for all the urban counties in the state)

and lastly exciting.. i went to target and walked into 90% off of Halloween stuff.  my dogs have costumes for the next 5 years..  ☆*✲゚*。(((´♡‿♡`+)))。*゚✲*☆   GLORIOUS.  i obviously like sales.

ALSO. congrats to our SHABBYAPPLE giveaway winner.. DIANE!!


  1. i love this look! the shoes really make it complete to me. love them!!!

    and...am i the diane that won?????????????????

  2. @Diane - Yes you! you should expect an email soon!

  3. *mwah*
    this totally made my day issa! :)

  4. That shirt is AMAZING!

    -Daisy Nguyen from the PS BANANAS! fashion blog: http://psbananas.com

  5. Ooo love the oxfords - they're brilliant!

  6. very cute shirt, i like how you styled it:)


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