vacation withdrawl

so i'm a few years past the time of 2.5 months of summer vacation, and it's not like the summer heat will let up just yet. but just the fact that it's september makes me feel a bit nostalgic of summer.. and i actually kicked mine off with a 2 week holiday in london/paris/croatia... it seems so long ago, that i'm in a dire need for another... here's a few random shots from the trip.

hope everyone had a fantastic labor day weekend!!

hmm.. and i need a haircut... should i go for bangs??



  1. i know what you mean...september meant the end of summer for so long...but i'm going to keep trying to enjoy the warmer weather for a few more weeks.

  2. wow so jealous of your vacation!

  3. am so jealous of your vacation! great pictures, seem like u had a blast!


  4. I am so jealous ... I can't wait for my winter vacation ( hahha, and the summer is not over)... the photos look stunning. AS for bangs, I say give it a try...:)

  5. I'M contemplating bangs too! Straight-across, thick (but not too blunt) bangs. My stylist thinks I can pull it off, but I'm pretty sure I'll look 12. =|

  6. I love my bangs so I vote yes! Be warned though, they are rather high maintenance... I love your safari post! That shirt is hot. And yay for making skirts! Can't wait to see some :)

  7. Your vacation makes me long for one myself.. I spent quite some time in Europe when i studied abroad there.. I love that shot of Versailles!

  8. Ahh some amazing sights and great memories they must be for you.I feel a wanderlust after seeing this. I hope you had a fantastic and rejuvenating trip dear?
    Bangs are so hot right now,so why ever not ;o)

  9. oh im so jealous! this looks amazing!! and blunt bangs i think would be great i've always liked the looks of them but i dont have the cuts to get them for myself and i think they're fabulous :)

  10. your vacation pictures are gorgeous! =)

  11. Yep. go for bangs. It's cute.

    I totally hear you. I would love to go away. I was trying to take some shots of myself and I gave up as I no matter what I do with my face I look so old and tired! need a holiday that's all there is. ;0

  12. bangs are really becoming a big trend these days. and i think with or without bangs you'll look amazing, and this collage is superb.

  13. go for bangs! i've been wearing bangs for about half a year now, and i'm perfectly satisfied! couldn't live without bangs now!

  14. Oh wow fantastic pictures, looks amazing :) And I say go for bangs!!

  15. I say, go for bangs.. I wish it was an option for me..

    And nice photo's, I really love Paris <3

  16. The picture are great, looks like a fantastic vaction!

    By the way: i'd go for bangs.


  17. Looks like a nice vacation.

  18. I love this collage!

    And YES you should go for bangs if you have been contemplating it for more than a month and can commit to at least 6 months of pretty high maintenance . . .


  19. ergh JEALOUS!!!
    ok i have bangs now and i cant imeagine myself 'bang-less' haha. i'd say give it a go

  20. I'm so jealous! Those photos are great!

    I say go for the bangs!

  21. although i've grown out my bangs for awhile now but i had them all last year and i loved the look! bangs are chic, so i say: GO FOR IT!!!

  22. thanks for your wonderful comment(:
    if you think that you want bangs, go for it.

    take up challenges!
    if you don't like them, you can still pin them up or something.
    i'm sure you'll find a way to make it work.

    nice blog btw.

  23. I've always wanted to visit Croatia!! How fun! :) Really great photos too.

    I know my obsession is beyond crazy at this point. YIKES!

  24. hi issa! i finally added u to my links :) yayyyyyy. can i just say you give me the most inspiration in the blogosphere? i can actually wear what you wear to work hahah!

  25. so jealous.
    im going to london next year
    booking the flights
    cant wait

    best of luck with your travels!

  26. I think bangs are great to change your look! I mean, if you don't like it you can just shove it to the side!

  27. Those photos are magazine worthy - I'm seriously jealous!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. oh yes I totally know how you feel! i just got back from cabo and it was oh so lovely. i'd much rather be sippin on pina coladas poolside than working!

  30. Lovely pics -- looks like a gorgeous summer! And I say go for bangs, they'd look great on you.

  31. woww the pictures are lovely!!!! thanks for the comment issa!!! xoxo, lulu ♥

  32. Looks like a fantastic time you had! All of the pictures are stunning, and so inspiring. I loved how you said you went to London (capital), Paris (capital), Croatia (country) :))))

    Did you go for bangs? I think they would look fabulous on you!


  33. Looks like you had an amazing time! That is great!

  34. Ohhh how i miss goddamn paris! WHY does it have to be so fantastic!? WHY!?


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